Following the launch of AURA in 2015, it has been used very successfully in many organisations to gain data-driven insights into stress and implement focused remedies to build both collective and individual resilience. By pinpointing hotspots and shining a light on issues impeding resilience, which tend to go unrecognised, it has provided a confidential yet practical channel for taking action and led to real improvement in both the short and long term.
I’m excited to announce the launch of AURA 2.1, providing organisations with deeper insight into workplace culture and more whizzy technology. This new release builds on AURA’s strengths and also enables managers to:
- Measure the overall mental health of the workplace via a simple index
- View indicators of workforce resilience and 4 key mental health culture metrics on a simple dashboard which align to best practice standards
- Monitor progress against the key indicators
- Better understand the root causes of stress in the work environment via a workforce profile dashboard
- Calibrate resilience levels against bigger benchmarks
- Do a deeper dive resilience analysis to understand employee distribution across risk bands and pinpoint the greatest resilience risks
- Take a more localised approach through additional reporting levels to report the data
In addition to their personal resilience report, individuals are now able to:
- Track their personal resilience levels via an interactive dashboard
- Interact with a chatbot to recommend relevant, evidence-based resilience tools
To effectively respond to the mental health pandemic, it is essential to use a tool like AURA to measure stress, understand where exactly issues lie and what changes in the working environment, practices and culture will make the greatest impact.
Do you need better data on stress? Get in touch – we’d love to chat.