‘’We work in a fast paced, ambiguous and volatile yet exciting environment. For us, managing risk from burnout is a top priority. AURA has enabled us to set a baseline and cadence for measuring and monitoring mental resilience so we can proactively take action to remedy areas where it is compromised on a personal and workplace level. The uptake from the team is consistently very high each quarter as the insights gained from AURA are so beneficial to building resilience in our environment.“
– Madeline Stillman, Head of People & Culture
Background & Business Drivers
Zipline.io is one of the fastest growing companies in Australia. Core to their mission is being an employer of choice, recognising that people crave a workplace that values wellbeing, positive work relationships and ensures no one burns out.
As part of their ‘Anti Burnout System’, they were keen to have a scientific tool to measure, understand and monitor employee resilience levels. This would help them take a preventative approach to managing risk from burnout and would increase mental resilience which ultimately drives business performance.
Zipline used AURA to gain a baseline measurement of mental resilience and understand how employees were distributed along the continuum from ‘resilient’ through to ‘burnout crisis’. AURA’s aggregated reporting enabled them to gain a helicopter view of where the hotspot areas were, common stress impacts and what was driving these.
All employees received a confidential personal report enabling them to hone in on a focus area and small action steps to boost their resilience. They participated in a workshop to support them with this and provide a safe space to share their challenges and learn from each other.
High risk employees were provided access to confidential resilience coaching to support them in developing a personal action plan and implement their own resilience strategies.
Employees have access to AURA’s online resources to equip them with evidence based tools and strategies to manage stress better and build their resilience muscles.
Teams used the anonymised aggregated data insights to surface and discuss resilience roadblocks, committing to new rituals and ways of working to address them.
Organisational wide remedies were also implemented to address the workforce wide themes surfacing in the data.
AURA is used to monitor resilience levels quarterly and inform refinements to personal/ team/ organisational action plans.
Please note – the images used are illustrative examples rather than Zipline’s data to protect confidentiality
There was very high engagement with the programme shown by a 94% response rate.
Visit www.aura.works to view sample reporting and more details.