Use our glossary to understand more about some of the terminology used on our website.
Ability tests
A test designed to measure an individual’s cognitive function in a specific area, such as verbal reasoning, spatial awareness or mathematics. Used by organisations in the recruitment process to help predict a candidate’s future aptitude for the position. Scientific research demonstrates these are the single most powerful predictors of job performance.
Assessment Centre
An assessment centre is a process where candidates are assessed to determine their suitability for specific types of employment, larger roles or leadership positions. Assessment centres are characterised by the systematic approach of collecting behavioural evidence through multiple data sources against a predefined set of behavioural criteria. Typically, built around a business relevant case study, trained assessors observe how candidates deal with realistic challenges that are commonly faced in the role being assessed for. An evaluation of development potential is made and specific, behavioural feedback is provided.
Behavioural event interviewing
Asking the candidate how she managed a particular situation in the past provides more valuable insight than hypothetical questions such as “How would you handle…” or “What would you do if…”.
A behavioural event interview is a systematic way of collecting examples of past behaviours and then evaluating how these match to the critical values and behaviours for the job and organisational culture.
Experiential learning
Experiential learning is the process of learning through experience.
This is applied when supporting the development of others through providing a safe environment to test new behaviours with periods of reflection and ongoing refinements to ensure they become a habit.
Personality assessment
A personality assessment is a measurement of an individual’s personal characteristics (traits). The extent to which people possess certain traits can be used to predict behaviour. These are commonly used in the workplace, e.g. in selection to predict job/organisation fit or in development to enhance self-awareness of pre-dispositions and how these impact their job performance.
Psychometric assessment
Any activity and assessment that is conducted in order to evaluate candidate performance and includes, but is not limited to; skills and knowledge, abilities, personality traits, attitudes and job/academic potential.
Structured interviewing
Structured interviewing is where you ask each candidate applying for the job the same questions in the same order. Research shows that these interviews are more predictive of candidate performance, even for jobs that are unstructured.
Virtual Assessment Centre
The ‘next generation’ of assessment centres; these use the latest technology to administer the centre virtually. Candidates are asked to place themselves in a fictional role at a new company and receive access to an inbox, calendar, contacts list and related documentation. There is a 3-4 hour live simulation where the candidate works through their inbox with new emails appearing, trained assessors conduct role plays via video-conferences simulating business meetings to test critical leadership behaviours. Interactive feedback reports are provided to inform individual and organisational development planning.
360 feedback
360-degree feedback is a feedback process where multiple perspectives are gathered on an individual’s performance. Typically includes collecting evaluations from themself, their superior, reports, peers and sometimes customers. Through comparing self and others’ perceptions, individuals can gain valuable insights for their development.