Following the launch of AURA in 2015, it has been used very successfully in many organisations to gain data-driven insights into stress and implement focused remedies to build both collective and individual resilience. By pinpointing hotspots and shining a light on issues impeding resilience, which tend to go unrecognised, it has provided a confidential yet practical channel for taking action and led to real improvement in both the short and long term.
I was honoured to be featured by Profile Asia as a guest blogger, sharing my insights on this topic and drawing on their recent survey data which revealed 45% employees feel leaders’ response has amplified their stress levels.
In the blog post, I consider the business case for tackling stress and share some practical actions that companies can take.
Collaboration with PWC – Listen to our webinar on taking action on stress and building resilience
Austen Advisory were delighted to partner with PWC’s Sean Maywood on a webinar for The Whitehall & Industry Group. Listen to the recording of our interactive webinar where we explored:
- A shared understanding of what we all mean by resilience and why it is so important
- Drawing on a case study at PwC, the types of resilience initiatives other organisations are putting in place and how you can implement them in your own organisation
- How companies can use scientific measurement tools to take focused action on the degree of stress and build resilience
We’re here to help through COVID-19…
Is your organisation equipped to adapt positively to the COVID-19 outbreak?
At Austen Advisory, we draw on years of experience of helping organisations across the world build resilience. In response to the global pandemic, we aspire to help businesses and their people transition from a surviving to a thriving state as quickly as possible. To that end, here are 4 of our solutions that are aimed at evaluating, building, growing and developing employees.
Stressed? Help should be at hand…
It should be part of the normal management system of most organisations much as reward or health and safety are today. Sadly and misguidedly, identifying stress and building resilience is a rare topic in many boardrooms and is often only dealt with in an ad-hoc and inconsistent way after a crisis has happened. Many managements now need to exercise their proper duty of care for the mental health and wellbeing of their employees particularly with regards to identifying and quantifying the level of stress they are under and their levels of resilience to handle it.… Read More»
Are you so busy you sabotage yourself?
You’ve left an important task undone for weeks. It’s hanging over you, causing daily anxiety. And yet instead of actually doing it, you do a hundred other tasks instead.
Or perhaps you’ve been feeling guilty about not replying to an email, even though replying would only take 5 minutes.
Recognise this?… Read More»
How burnout became a sinister and insidious epidemic
Interesting article in the UK Guardian today about the sheer scale of burnout. It makes the important points:
1) For individuals, symptoms go unrecognised until people are near crisis point and recovery will be a much longer process and;
2) We need to think in a systemic way and see burnout experiences as symptoms of an ailing organisation rather than as a sick individual
AURA is a new tool to address both the above, enabling organisations to assess resilience levels, identify problem areas and remediation action and monitor. For full details, visit
Launch of new tool for assessing stress
Leaving aside its long term impact on the health of individuals, stress can induce irrational and dangerous behaviours that can threaten the well being of organisations. Numerous business failures have been caused by a lack of appreciation of its cancerous impact which may sometimes be an inherent part of the particular business system, consequence of poor management, or both. It is also too often the main reason for organisational ineffectiveness, high staff turnover, or both. Sometimes this unawareness has led to mental breakdown of those involved, or worse, leading to recriminations around ‘why did you not tell us?’ or ‘How could we not know?’… Read More»
Finding the notorious ‘work-life balance’
Some good practical advice for finding work-life balance which everyone seems to be looking for but no-one can find. Consider the extent to which you apply these in your life?… Read More»
How women get to the top
This is a great article publishing in Harvard Business Review summarising the findings of a study which aimed to identify the code for women’s leadership success. A central theme is that females need to be resilient whilst taking risks. Resilience is a skill that can be developed. Organisations and individuals must continuously monitor their resilience levels, taking early action to address any areas where it becomes compromised. AURA is a new tool developed by Austen Advisory to do just this. … Read More»