The approach to leadership assessment is to use a combination of the best tools and techniques available given the needs of the situation. These might comprise;
- Understanding the environment, strategy and needs of the organisation to establish the criteria for future needs
- Taking an inventory of past performance and collating as much of a picture as possible
- Selecting from a range of psychometric tests such as personality, motivation, logical thinking, numerical/verbal reasoning
- Designing and evaluating through business simulation exercises which create a safe environment to test potential to perform at a more senior level
- Interviewing using structured techniques
- Providing feedback to both the individual and the company which is aligned to the criteria, evidence based and rigorous
All the above would be undertaken using technology to its fullest extent to minimise cost, especially of travel and maximise effectiveness.
Leadership Assessment FAQs
Each assessment approach is designed to fit the purpose, context and desired outcomes of each client; an assessment can take anywhere between 30 minutes to one day. Austen Advisory consults each client to fully understand their requirements and design an optimal solution, balancing the needs of the client with creating a positive candidate experience.
We often work with clients who have their own competency frameworks in place and partner with them to align assessments and report back against these.
No, whilst we believe in leveraging existing, proven assessment tools where possible, we can also build fully customised solutions for clients e.g. business simulation exercises to provide closer ties to the real organisational challenges.